Mailing List Archive

LoGH is being downloaded from all around the world!

Jonathon Collis (
Tue, 28 Mar 2000 15:35:22 -0500

Scanning the FTP logs I've found downloads from USA, Canada, England,
Brazil, France (a LOT from France), Australia, and Austria.

Average number of connections: 4
Majority of people are downloading: Macross7 =(

all for now

jonathon <--now has Kodomo no Evangelion!!
Dakedo Oh!  Kimi no             Oh, but when I stop and look...
kagayaku me wa nani o           ...into your shining eyes
Sagashi tsuzukeru no            What is it you're looking for?
Oh!  My friends                 Oh, my friends.

---Macross7 (My Friends)