Mailing List Archive

LOGH scripts and realvideo

Presley H. Cannady (revprez@MIT.EDU)
Wed, 09 Feb 2000 11:44:19 -0500

First, I want to thank Jonathon Aaron for putting up
those realvideos.  I've finished up to episode 31
and all I can say is wow.  The attention to detail
by both the writers and the animators is amazing.

On that note, I've gone past Episode 31, but I'm not
fluent in Japanese.  So, two questions?

1) Any prospects for more episodes, subtitled or not?
2) Anywhere I can get scripts of the TV episodes (not
    the OAV or the movies.

Thanks, y'all

-The Reverend Prez

*  *  *
 P.H. Cannady              | Electrical Science	    	 
 MIDN 3/c, USNR            | Electrical Engineering 
 B-2-1 Squad, MIT NROTC    | Int. Security Studies
       410 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA 02139
                   (617) 225-8417