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RE: Julian Question *spoiler alert*

Wayne H Yin (
Thu, 6 Apr 2000 06:02:09 -0500 (CDT)

On Thu, 6 Apr 2000, Jerry Yen wrote:

> In Yang's case, Julian was shown the way of war, mass destruction, &
> killing; being influenced to join the military over Yang's objections.
  i thought that -like yang- julian decided that the military was the
only way he would get a good education.  i seem to recall that towards
the end of season 1, yang had offered to pay julian's way (somehow) so
he wouldn't have to enlist, but julian wouldn't have it any other way.

> Unlike naive fools who view the military through spiffy uniforms and shiny
> medals, Julian knew that war was about killing some mother's son with each
> pull of the trigger, and had no qualms in doing so.
  i imagine that in the FPA, people back home on heinnessen watch the
war through a state-controlled version of CNN.  the difference is that
CNN sometimes shows the bad with the good, but usually whatever is the
most sensational rather than give a balanced account.

  i'd kind of like to see schwartzkopf on FPA-TV with his play-by-play
of a particular battle, complete with spartanian gun camera footage of
imperial ships blowing up, etc.  "and here's the luckiest man in the
empire, driving through the cross-hairs... and in his rear view mirror,

> Yang would probably have said, in most civilized worlds, people who
> murder others are put in jails.  Only in the military, they reward
> homocidal killers with bright, shiny medals, advancement in rank,
> and higher pay.
  you the more of their own soldiers' lives they throw away, the higher
an officer's career is advanced?  ;)

  Wayne H. Yin