Mailing List Archive

RE: LOGH scripts and realvideo

Presley H. Cannady (revprez@MIT.EDU)
Wed, 09 Feb 2000 19:17:38 -0500

At 02:14 PM 2/9/00 -0500, Jonathon Collis wrote
>You're welcome, but the real person to thank is Lee for spending the time to
>digitize, edit, and adjust the timing on them.  I just keep 'em on my

Yes, thank you Lee as well.  You both have made an
admirable effort.  I hope someday that LOGH, high
quality programming by any measure, will make it
to the United States to a wider audience, but what
you guys are doing now is particularly well conceived
and laudable.

After watching only a portion of the first season and
the two movies, I can only conclude that LOGH is truly
an epic, moving and intriguing work.  It neither comes off
as gratingly cerebral nor does it push a sophist theme
that reflects an ill-understanding of history or war.  If 
translated into English, I would have a hard time not
equating it to not only the best in military sf out there,
but fictional depictions of war in general.

Now that I'm off my soapbox, my favorite character
is Admiral Paeta.
