Mailing List Archive

Cel gallery update!

Califf, Jennifer (
Fri, 7 Jan 2000 10:23:22 -0600

Hi guys!  I finally updated my anime cel gallery, including dozens of new
LoGH cels.  Please look if you're interested.  I tried to keep the spoilers
to a minimum, but one cel in particular is a pretty big spoiler.  I'm
considering making a seperate page for spoiler cels, but I haven't had a
chance yet.  Anyway, follow the URL below to get to the page.  It's
currently at geocities, but don't bookmark the geocities page because I'm
likely to move them to a different server before too long.




"You are the true Lord of the Dance, no matter what those idiots at work
	- YOUR HOROSCOPE FOR TODAY by "Weird Al" Yankovic