Mailing List Archive

RE: Otakon and a bit of self-intro

Jonathon Collis (
Mon, 13 Mar 2000 13:20:32 -0500

Otakon is the 4-6 of August at the Baltimore Convention Center in Baltimore,
MD.  It's supposed to be the 2nd biggest con in the states next to A-X, but
tends to have more of an emphasis on things other than the dealer room.  The
main guests of honor this year will be the creators of Serial Experiments
Lain.  Rumors also have BOA coming as well as a slew of people from Gainax
(anyone up for petitioning an Otaku no Video USA?) but who knows.


> When mentioning a con, please include date/city; some of us '
> in the sticks' like to simply dream about such things. ;->=
Dakedo Oh!  Kimi no             Oh, but when I stop and look...
kagayaku me wa nani o           ...into your shining eyes
Sagashi tsuzukeru no            What is it you're looking for?
Oh!  My friends                 Oh, my friends.

---Macross7 (My Friends)