Mailing List Archive

my self intro...

Jonathon Collis (
Mon, 13 Mar 2000 22:21:40 -0500

howdy!  i'm jonathon, i run the FTP with all the digital episodes.  i'm from
omaha, ne, going to school at the university of maryland college park, and
first saw logh at Anime Sunday at dragon's lair comix in omaha (which shows
but doesn't rent fansubs) and after seeing the first 4 quickly got
hooked...after that it's become a descent into pathetic fandom.......i'm
turning into a living otaku no video's....scary.....but the plan
for now is to break into cons at otakon 2k unless problems arise, otherwise
it's all clear for now.

jonathon <==closed march 17-26

Dakedo Oh!  Kimi no             Oh, but when I stop and look...
kagayaku me wa nani o           ...into your shining eyes
Sagashi tsuzukeru no            What is it you're looking for?
Oh!  My friends                 Oh, my friends.

---Macross7 (My Friends)