Mailing List Archive

Re: self-intro---meow

Joshua Dziubek (
Mon, 13 Mar 2000 22:27:58 -0500

Wow, I go away for a week and the list picks up.

De-lurking to join thread.

Since we're introducing ourselves, I'll throw my hat in the ring.  I'm
Joshua Dziubek, 23, hailing from Pittsburgh.  I first got into anime in the
mid-80's without really knowing what it was, series like Robotech and
Voltron.  Late in high school, several friends and I re-discovered the art
and began renting every tape we could get our hands on.  The great tide
followed thereafter.

I admit to a fixation with mecha anime, particularly Macross, Gundam
(Universal Century.  No matter how I tried, I just couldn't get into
Wing....), I'm a big Five Star Stories fan and think that Escaflowne is one
of the best anime series ever (barring LOGH, naturally).  I'm also a rabid
model kit builder, mainly the Master Grade gundam line.  I collect manga of
various sorts, some soundtracks (primarily Yoko Kanno-composed, but I've got
a few LOGH sets), and I attempt to write fan fiction (I'm not very good, but
my only published work, "Cops in Mega Tokyo" is on the raac archive).

How exactly I got into Galactic Heroes is quite possibly the strangest of
anyone.  One lazy afternoon in college, I was flipping channels.  The
res-hall cable system gave us all sorts of strange channels that I was
absolutely sure no one watched.  And as I came across the Arab network we
had, there was Galactic Heroes.
I didn't know what it was at the time, but recognised it instantly as anime
(I believe it was "Yang Sends the Fleet" that I caught), dubbed in Arabic,
but complete with the japanese and english character and fleet titles.  I
went back to watch a few days later, but the series had ended.  Took me a
while to find out what it was and even longer to get my hands on it, but
when I did I was hooked instantly.  Since then, I've got just about all of
my friends hooked and look for the day when I can get the rest of the series
subbed (One of my friends is going to Japan on the JET programme, I might
have him pick up the box sets if I can scrape up the money....)

So that's me and my discovery of LOGH in a nutshell.

Oh, Jennifer, the main Gundam mailing list can be found at,
the archives, anyway, and has subscription info.  I'm not subscribed because
it's very heavy traffic, but I browse the archive pretty often.  It's an
overall subject list, tends toward Universal Century discussion, but with
the domestic release of Wing, I expect the subject to pick up more.  Pretty
good people, Gundam-guru Mark Simmons posts, and best of all, there's little
to no yaoi.  Sorry for the OT.
