Mailing List Archive

my intro and all.

Josh Yuan (
Mon, 13 Mar 2000 20:26:13 -0800 (PST)

Well I have been a lurker in this list for a while.

I am Josh Yuan, 24, from San Jose. Start watching
anime since I was a kid ( from all the translated
chinese versions.)  However, I didn't start watching
LOGH until college.  I was a librarian for the UCLA
anime club, Cal Anime Eta.  I had the job of carrying
around the first season of LOGH every week to the
meetings =)  So with so many tapes in my care I burn
through the first season and 2 movies in a weekend. 
And after that LOGH became one of my favorite series. 
Ofcourse I also like the Mecha stuff like Macross,
Gundam or Escaflone.  I could sometimes be found on
EFnet #logh.  

Now is anyone gona finish the rest of this show?

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