Mailing List Archive


Sean Wyles (
16 Mar 00 20:52:09 CST

Hey everybody,

My name is Sean and I figured since so many people are introducing themselves
I thought I would to. I admit it, I am a lurker. hehe

I am 25 and live in Texas. I first discovered the greatness that is LOGH
through some people I knew at Anime UTA (what is weird about this is I dont go
to school least I think its weird) and it truely is one of the
more unique titles out there. I personally enjoy how it develops plot and
individual characters rather than using stereotypical characterizations. Also,
the classical music sure doesnt hurt. Needless to say I am among the many who
wait with anticipation for the more fansubs, but learning japanese might be
faster. hahaha :)

My range of anime I enjoy is very broad but if I had to pick a fav (behind
LOGH of course :P) it would be Kareshi Kanojyo no jijyo, definately very
unique. Also enjoy Rayearth, Kenshin, Fushigi Yuugi, Gundam, Dirty Pair and
lots of others.

Well, its not back to the shadows to lurk and watch and wait.... hehe :)


"Remember, wherever you go....there you are." - Buckaroo Banzai

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