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Re: ACEN Report?

Hank Wong (hankwong@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU)
Wed, 31 May 2000 04:47:17 -0700 (PDT)

On Sun, 28 May 2000, Isaac Alexander wrote:

> Hank, did you post a report on what happened at the LOGH panel at Anime Central earlier this month on the list? I must have missed it.

Actually, nope I have not. So here goes:

Takayuki Karahashi ("Taka" for short), the translator and
director of the LoGH pilot dub, and I held the panel at noon on Sunday, as

The panel room was only about half full (mabye 10-15 attendees?). We had
quite a bit of compeition, going up against the Leiji Matsumoto panel, a
Macross fan panel, a "state of the anime industry" panel hosted by
representatives of the major U.S. anime companies, and two major guest
signings by Chiho Saito, the manga artist of Utena, and Kunihiko
Ikuhara, the director for the Utena anime and the Sailor Moon R movie).
Considering all that competition, I'd say we did fairly well ^_^

The dub was very well received by the fans, and because we were fortunate
enough to get a two-hour slot, we had plenty of time for questions and
discussion afterwards.

Except for one overenthusiastic fellow who blurted out a spoiler to the
end of season 1, it was a great Q&A session. We had a great discussion
about the pre-history of the series (Taka gave a excellent introduction
about the historical events leading up to the events of LoGH first
season), the chances of LoGH coming out on DVD, even a bit about Heroic
Legend of Arislan, Yoshiki Tanaka's other major work.

One of the questions asked was "okay, so what happened after the
cliffhanger ending of episode 52?" We didn't want to blurt out the ending
to everybody, so what we did was after the panel ended, we said "okay
if you want to know the ending, come on up" and we filled in the few brave
souls who did. And then talked more about LoGH stuff in general. 

It was great being able to meet with midwestern LoGH fans. I think one
of them mentioned he was on the ML, but the name of the gentleman escapes
me at the moment ^^;

One of the more interesting attendees at the panel was a guy by the name
of Keith Johannsen of Musashi Enterprises (a company that sells anime
goods, for those of you outside the States), whom I'm sure is better known
by Yamato/Matsumoto fandom, for better or worse. At the end of the panel,
he came up and talked with Taka for a bit. I was talking to some other
people, so I wasn't paying too close attention to what he was saying in
particular, but apparently, Johannsen is trying to market a LoGH board
game here in the States, similar to the StarBlazers/Yamato fleet battle
game he already distributes. He had some neat-looking painted model
prototypes figures of the Brunhilde, the Hyperion, and a few other ships.
(If you've seen the figures used in the StarBlazers game, well, they're
similar to that.)
He has approached Tokuma about getting the rights to the game, and Tokuma
told him that he had to buy the whole series first! ^o^

I must say, that Anime Central is a great convention! very well run,
and very fun! One of my major worries was whether I would be able to stay
awake for the panel! I hope to be there again next year, LoGH panel or no.
> Also, any word of other conventions getting a LOGH panel besides AX?

None confirmed yet, AFAIK.

If there is a Fanime Con next year, I think I will try to host one.

> When is the AX panel being held anyway? Please tell me its before 3pm on
>Sunday of the con.

Okay, this is all still very preliminary, so everybody, PLEASE PLEASE take
it with a big grain of salt:

The LoGH panel is tentatively set for Saturday at noon. Yukio Kikukawa
will be at the panel, and Noboru Ishiguro _might_ make an appearance as
well, schedule permitting. If we're lucky, they'll show the first OVA "El
Facile" from the Spiral Labyrinth story, and time permitting (this is
only if the panel can be extended past one hour), a documentary about the
making of Gaiden. 

Again, this is all preliminary and tentative, so it is still subject to
change. But that's how it looks right now.

> On another note, I'm now the con chair of Sakura Con 2001. Lee and Hank. 
>If you two want to put on something for next year, please let me know.
>I'll definately make time for you two to make a panel or a premier. Ohh,
>does anyone have pictures of the LOGH panels from Sakura Con and ACEN
>2000 posted on the net? I'd like to see them.

Congratulatons, Isaac. I would be honored to help out with another LoGH
panel. Perhaps next year, in addition to a panel, we could also get some
LoGH showing in some of the video rooms. I look forward to another fun and
exciting Sakura Con!


Hank Wong     
LoGH List Admiral
"So swift a gale..." -Vice Adm. Al-salem
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