Mailing List Archive

(no spoilers) Re: Spoiler

Hank Wong (hankwong@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU)
Wed, 12 Jul 2000 12:58:50 -0700 (PDT)

As Lee and others have mentioned,
Spoiler warnings should be in the subject heading, with season at least,
and preferably episode/novel number:

For example:

Subject : Spoiler (season 3)
Subject : Spoiler (episode 75)

The following are BAD examples of spoiler warnings:

The actual spoiler itself in the subject heading: (yes, we've actually
gotten these before!)

Subject: SPOILER ( death)
Subject: SPOILER (the destruction of )

A spoiler warning without any specifics, such as the original message.

An info file for new suscribers about spoilers is sent to you when you
subscribe. Please read before posting. I would hate to have to set this
list to moderated mode.


Hank Wong     
LoGH List Admiral
"So swift a gale..." -Vice Adm. Al-salem
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