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Re: Geez people (was Re: Spoiler)

Lee Thompson (
Wed, 12 Jul 2000 13:40:09 -0700

On Wed, 12 Jul 2000 16:25:50 EDT, you wrote:

>Please cut others some slack - the person put spoiler in their subject header and in the body. They didn't deliberately "spoil" anything.
>I'm sure I'm going to offend some of you with this, but I can't say I'm sorry. This just was the final straw to jar me out of my reluctance to insert myself into controversy. 


I certainly didn't want this to turn into a flame fest; and I still don't but
frankly I think it's a shame that a little bit of an indiscretion basically
ruins the show for others.       

The point isn't so much to withhold information but rather to give  each person
should have the opportunity to control what they learn about the show.  

(Personally I tend to like spoilers but I can certainly understand the
frustration others get when they want to be surprised by their favorite anime.)

Yes - I guess one way around it is to just delete or don't open a message that
has the subject of spoiler; but some newsreaders don't give you that option and
5 blank lines of "spoiler space" isn't going to do that either.

To me, spoiler protecting posts is a matter of courtesy for others; and nothing

I realize this particular event was not deliberate and some attempts were made;
I just wish the show wasn't now 'damaged' for some when with a little bit more
effort; it wouldn't have been.

Lee Thompson