Mailing List Archive

[LoGH] Infocenter Update

Lee Thompson (
Sun, 17 Sep 2000 10:49:09 -0700

Research on German/Prussian names in the series has been completed.  The
Infocenter has been updated accordingly.

A big thank you to Ann-Kathrin Kniggendorf for the assistance.

Since we found that every single name in the Galactic Empire/Phezzan relates
to an actual place or person in German/Prussian history (and the occasional
Norse Mythology reference), the next major research undertaking is going to be
names for the Free Planets.  

NOTE: Original 'romanizations' of German proper nouns, right or wrong, are
retained in individual entries so doing searches on what you see in the title
cards during an episode will still produce a hit.    It will take about a week
for our search engine service to reindex, so please be patient.
Lee Thompson
ICQ: 19508091