Mailing List Archive

SPOILER * Episode 1

Jerry Yen (
Wed, 12 Jul 2000 19:33:56 -0400 (EDT)

I agree with Barbara 100%.

If you don't want to read spoilers, why open messages titled "spoiler"?

Face it, those who did were curious, and therefore WANTED to read the

------Original Message------
Sent: July 12, 2000 8:25:50 PM GMT
Subject: Geez people (was Re: Spoiler)

Normally when this happens, I just sit and smolder while people lambaste the
poor soul who offends the spoiler police and start deleting the messages
relating to that subject unread. However, the tone of the current round of
messages offends me enough I'm coming off my usual lurker status to comment.
As soon as I saw the message titled "SPOILER" (and yes I admit it was poorly
done) I thought "Here we go again," and frankly  I cringed, knowing what was
coming. However if you want to keep your mind completely sanitized of any
possible spoiling info you can simply delete a message that says "spoiler."
Personally, I join lists relating to favorite topics to GET knowledge not
avoid it, and yes that includes finding out about stuff I haven't
watched/read/may never get the chance to watch and read. When I first
encountered LOGH years ago, all I had access to was the first movie and
first 4 episodes, and once I had internet access, joined this list and did
searches to learn everything!
I could. I may be wrong, but I think that's why most people join a list,
tho' whenever there's an "offense" of this nature I start to wonder.
Please cut others some slack - the person put spoiler in their subject
header and in the body. They didn't deliberately "spoil" anything.
I'm sure I'm going to offend some of you with this, but I can't say I'm
sorry. This just was the final straw to jar me out of my reluctance to
insert myself into controversy.

(usually Suzuno/Frederica)

In a message dated Wed, 12 Jul 2000  3:17:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Lee
Thompson  writes:

<< More than that; you should at least mention the season you're spoiling
for since
a LOT of people here have only seen up through mid season 2.

>At 11:58 AM 7/12/00 -0700, you wrote:
>>That wasn't a very good spoiler warning.
>I agree, Spoiler Warnings need to be done like this:
>Because you just ruined stuff for me and others.

Lee Thompson

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