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Re: [LoGH] German Name Research Notes

Dan Milliken (
Wed, 27 Sep 2000 10:49:37 -0500

At 05:29 PM 9/26/2000 -0700, you wrote:
>Additionally,Yoshiki Yanaka has no sense of English,neither of German.
>I am sure that he couldn't  talk even a word in English.
>You can guess when you read the novel.

I would have to agree.  There is a difference between things being based 
off the author's research and specifically deriving royalty structure down 
to every minute detail....

I think the best route to go with this thing would be to not overdo 
thinking of where the naming conventions came from but to concentrate on 
accurately translating what is said.   The author has most likely drawn 
from historical references instead of basing his work upon the exact 
details of a historical setting.  After all this is not a recreation of a 
historical setting.

>And this is quite personal though,I don't like his thinking about
>women in the story.
>It seems as if he has a image that "a short haired women are clever and
>useful and become a good wife".
>See Frederica,and Hilda. Two heroes both married to this kind of girls.
>They married to their secretaries. Isn't it too easy?
>Ithink those two girls are nice but I am unable to say they were sexy!
>Surely,Reinhard seems he had no interests with girls,but in this situation,
>it was,definitely,Yoshiki Tanaka's taste!

Rheinhard doesn't really have an interest in girls (in the manner that we 
think of usually today) but he did choose a successful mate who had the 
qualities he wanted.  The relationships going on here are different as 
compared to today.  They have a ring of the past because of the 
nobility/ruling class situation which is going on.  As such, sexiness was 
surely never Rheinhard's first quality he was looking for in a wife.

Hey, anyone remember that song from the 60s/70s?
The one with this chorus:
          "So if ya wanna be happy for the rest of your life; never make a 
pretty woman your wife.  So from my personal point of view; get an ugly 
girl to marry you...."
Darn it.  I can't remember who sings that.
Till' the next...

-Dan Milliken

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