Mailing List Archive

Re: LoGh costume at A-X...

Hank Wong (hankwong@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU)
Thu, 6 Jul 2000 13:09:48 -0700 (PDT)

On Wed, 5 Jul 2000, Walter Amos wrote:

> On Sun, 2 Jul 2000, Jonathon Aaron Collis wrote:
> > The LoGH panel got a nice (and short) writeup on
> > like it was great!
> > 
> > my question is who made the costume that's seen in the first picture on
> > the site ( and will you be
> > making a "how to.." email like the FPA people have?
> Why that is none other than LoGH List maintainer (and AX Karaoke
> coordinator) Hank Wong!  I didn't know in advance that Hank was doing

This year, we had special karaoke staff badges where we could give
ourselves any fancy title we desired. So we had a "Karaoke Czar," a
"Karaoke Dominatrix," etc etc. My title was 'Grand Admiral of Karaoke' 
But actually I must give proper credit to my fellow staff where it is due,
as I am merely the second-in-command of AX Karaoke.

> this costume or I would have more strongly considered bringing mine as

Yes, that was me, and yes, I'll try and put together a write-up of some
type about how I made the costume. As for the timing, it was very very
last minute. I had partially completed the costume at home, but it was
nowhere near ready, which was why I didn't want to advertise in advance
that I would be wearing it. So I decided to bring what I had to
the convention and that if I had time, I would finish it, or at least get
it in semi-finished mode. I wound up having the costume ready about an
hour before the panel. And it's still not totally finished- I didn't get
the belt done, and the collar is missing a stripe. Mabye I'll finish it
for next year.

The funny thing was that I was able to walk from the Disneyland Pacific
Hotel to the convention center virtually unnoticed, because I walked most
of the way behind a guy dressed as Sailor Moon, and so everybody was
looking at him instead of me ^^;

I'll have more to say about the panel and the convention itself in a bit.
But right now, I have to get caught up on work and real life. I promise to
write more soon!


Hank Wong     
LoGH List Admiral
"So swift a gale..." -Vice Adm. Al-salem
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