Mailing List Archive


Having said that, if Lau Shin Yee has been mining e-mail addresses from this
list and adding us to this 'e-circle' that's extremely inappropriate.

Another possiblity that is too frightening to contemplate is that he's
subscribed  the e-circle to the ML and vice versa.

On Wed, 24 Jan 2001 05:33:54 -0600, you wrote:

> I've just received a notice 'thanking' me for joining an e-Circles group.
> As I did not ask to join, I was registered without my permission. As I
> consider this extremely rude and inappropriate, I'd like to request that
> "Lau Shin Yee "be removed from this mailing list.
> While I've not had conversations with Hotmail on the subject, I regularly
> report spam to other 'free' mailers, and have had great success in getting
> offending mail id's closed. I will admit this isn't quite a UCE, but it
> does seem to be a misuse of Hotmail's services, and am considering contact
> them.
> I've, of course, tried to send a complaint to e-Circles, but given the
> requirements of 'logging on' to get any response, I'm not certain this will
> work.
> The_Beast

Lee Thompson