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Re: [LoGH] Season 4 questions (spoiler)

Justin Ho (
Thu, 22 Feb 2001 21:52:45 -0500

From: Rosalind L.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

>Don't you think Reinhard kinda wanted an enimy him
self? He was bored after Yang's death. Without war,
Reinhard's life has no meaning at all. Reuental merely
>made Reinhard and his own dream come true.
  Oh yes, he seemed to lose all purpose in life after reaching the top of the foodchain and losing his best friend & strongest enemy.  At this rate he'll end up as another Alexander the Great. ;-/

   Are we discussing a look back from the end of season 4?  If yes, look on, else stop.

        Reinhard does end up a sort of Alexander the Great, dying shortly after establishing his Empire.  Although his commanders don't end up splitting the Empire.  Or do they?  I know there is a hinting that there is stability afterwards due to the presence of Alexander and Hilda along with Mittermeyer's support, but is there any guarantee?  Is anything said in the novels as a postscript?