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Re: [LoGH] Babylon 5 vs Galactic Empire

Theo Ching (
Thu, 15 Mar 2001 10:48:49 -0800

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From: Hank Wong
>I think the Imperials can do this too. I'm pretty sure I saw it in episo=
43. Though for the Imperials, it's probably easier because Alliance
>vessels have hull numbers.

  We know they can tell ships apart, even when they are basic types and n=
ot one of the distinctive custom flagships.  The thing that always puzzle=
s me is why the Alliance dudes don't single out individual ships more oft=
en.  During the first movie Yang was the only one who seemed to even take=
 notice that one of these Imperial ships was not like the others (the whi=
te one ;-), but then it's already been established most FPA admirals are =
morons. ^_^  In contrast, when he started to gain fame suddenly every Imp=
erial soldier is looking out for him in the Hyperion.  Maybe that's one r=
eason why he later switched to the more generic Ulysses...

                 Theo, who is still trying to figure out where on R2-D2 d=
oes it say his name & where are the markings on the Millennium Falcon tha=
t identify it as the same ship that blasted out of Mos Eisley...

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