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Re: [LoGH] Their horoscope signs....

Rikako Suzuki (
Sat, 17 Mar 2001 08:58:46 +0900

I see, I understand what you say.
I think I feel weird as I am an Astrologist.
Yoshiki Tanaka's knowledge about astorogoly must be
very poor, he himself is a Libra.
For me it is as weird as coloured people saying "We are
He should've considered more perfectly as there are some
people like me who know more than he does.
If he were a professional novelist, he should've done a
preliminary inquiry. I don't judge. I just was curious
about their signs and snmply wanted to enjoy what impression most of you
have about this.

> Reinhard's birthday and Kircheis' birthday are
> actually indicated in the novel. ^_^
> Yes, in the Red Tea Club, we checked their birthday
> and personalities, and we found something fishy.
> Reinhard's a Pisces, and Yang Wen-li's an Aries. They
> really should switch their birthday around. Not just
> them, kircheis, and many others have strange
> birthday/personality relationships too. However, we
> figured that Yoshiki Tanaka never studied Astrology
> and it's not his profession, as long as the novel's
> good, it really doesn't matter if the birthdays are
> right. As long as the author/god says it's right, it's
> right. It's his novel after all, who are we to judge
> if it's right or wrong.

> Besides, the Europian system's suggesting that there
> are only 12^9 types of people in the world, and the
> Chinese Astrologist's suggesting that there are only
> about 64^12 types of people in the world. In reality,
> this is not true, we are all indivisuals with
> different personality. I'm an Aries, but I act more
> like a Libra than an Aries. Since these cases happens
> in the real world, it would be incisiderate to ask the
> authors to give the characters' birthdays according to
> their personality.

Your idea about Europian Astrology and Chinese Astrology are
not perfect.In Europian horoscope, you have 6 main stars and
more than 16 stars for each peoson.When someone says "I'm a
Leo" means his sun sign is in the Leo. Because the sun sign has
the strongest influence to the character. But, to make a hroscope,
you need your exact birth time as the horoscope chart starts from the
star sign of your birth time rising star. The are not only 12 kinds.
Mainly 12 kinds of main Sun sign star × 6 kinds of other main stars like
Venus, Mars, Moon, Ascendant etc..
And also we must consider about the relatinship among left 10 stars like
Jupiter, Uranus,Neputune .....
So, in exact, there are personalities  which are 12 by 6 by 10.
And it is your given character. You also have a coming fate because
you have libing in a time passing. And everybody has a different fate.

The Chinese hroscope is the same. Normally, We search 8 stars for each
peason. And find out what kind of character and what kind of fate he is
given ,looking at the relationship and the influences among those 8 stars.
And everuone has his coming fate of 10 years stream and every year stream.
That's why fortune tellers can say,"This year is bad , you lose your job"
sort of things.
But, anyway, about the character, not only 64 or something , even in
Europian Astrology, it's not only 12 kinds.

But, what I wanted to know was only the impression that you feel from
the LoGH characters. It is not a problem of if it is important or not.
I just like to know whch sign impression you get from each character.
I am sorry for make you confused.
Will you understand me?


> So what if Reinhard acts like an Aries? As long as
> it's Reinhard, I like him. So what if Siegfried acts
> like a Leo? He is Siegfried, and I like him for him,
> not his birthday.