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Re: [LoGH] Babylon 5 vs Galactic Empire

Hank Wong (hankwong@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU)
Fri, 16 Mar 2001 16:41:41 -0800 (PST)

On Thu, 15 Mar 2001, Josh Yuan wrote:

> Finally, the form of combat in LoGH is based on 18th and 19th century
> European wars.  And during those wars, it was a common curtesy not to
> target enemy leaders.  It was suppose to be un-gentlemen like.

I would compare the situation to that of the American Revolution. The
British fought the "gentlemanly" way and considered the targeting of
officers to be barbaric. But the colonists, who needed every
advantage they could get, would occasionally target British officers when
there was a good  opportunity to do so. Similar concept in the American
Civil War, where the South would deploy snipers to take out Union officers
(I think the Union did this as well, tho to a lesser extent.)

So in the same way, the Empire probably refrained from specifically
targeting Alliance flagships. My guess is that Alliance flagships are
treated like any other enemy ship- if they happen to be on the receiving
end of a missile, well, that happens in a war.

On the other hand, the Alliance, the "rebels" who are often outnumbered
and perhaps outgunned, might be more open to the idea, and heck, if it
would win the battle or save them, they'd target an Imperial flagship.
Without mentioning spoilers, the end of the first movie, and episode 43,
are prime examples of this idea.


Hank Wong     
LoGH List Admiral #logh
"So swift... like a gale..." -Vice Admiral Al-salem
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