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Re: [LoGH] Babylon 5 vs Galactic Empire

Josh Yuan (
Mon, 19 Mar 2001 12:42:39 -0800 (PST)

I don't think LoGH have snipers.  More like headhunter units.  The LoGH
attack arn't one hit one kill type of combat.  It is more like smash
down the shields,  then smash down the armor.  Fighter attacks has to
contend with enemy fighters and defensive batteries. Not to mention the
fact that at medium and long range fighters would have to worry about
Battleships using their main guns as giant shotguns to knock fighters
out of the sky.(They did this when a certain Imperial Admiral fought
Yang's fleet during a certain early invasion.  Where a certain FPA
fighter ace lost some good friends.)  Wonder anyone has the latest LoGH
strategy game (chinese version).  I have #4, which is poorly made. 
Also Any European fans here who play X-Tension?

Hum... I am a LoGH fan, but I didn't like "Enemy at the Gates"  I'll
give it 5/10.
--- Theo Ching  wrote:
> From: Hank Wong
> >I would compare the situation to that of the American Revolution.
> The
> British fought the "gentlemanly" way and considered the targeting of
> officers to be barbaric. But the colonists, who needed every
> advantage they could get, would occasionally target British officers
> when
> there was a good  opportunity to do so. Similar concept in the
> American
> Civil War, where the South would deploy snipers to take out Union
> officers
> >(I think the Union did this as well, tho to a lesser extent.)
>   Union General Sedgewick:  "What are you afraid of?  Those Rebs
> couldn't hit an elephant from this dist---"  
> ^_^
>   Speaking of the snipers, I saw Enemy at the Gates over the weekend:
>  Awesome war movie!  Lots of parallels with LoGH.  Maybe too intense
> for a lot of ppl, but nothing one used to the edgier animes can't
> handle. ;-)
>                                                 Theo

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