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Re: [LoGH] Which Wagner music is used in LOGH?

Theo Ching (
Sat, 3 Feb 2001 18:19:30 -0800

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From: Lee Thompson
>NOTE: The upcoming (next week) Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda episode "The
>Mathematics of Tears" features music from Wagner as well as background m=

  Just saw that, they played Wagner's "Flying Dutchman."  Very nice episo=
de though tragic ending (they lost another valuable High Guard ship!). ;-=
(  It's a well-written show even despite my still thinking Sorbo is the s=
ame old leather-clad, preachy, holier-than-thou Herc & can't act his way =
out of a wet paper bag. ^_^  =20

  I also rented some more LoGH this weekend & am returning them today: [s=
poiler ep. 82]

I can't believe it, even after being warned by the video jacket art!  Tan=
aka is such a meanie! ;_;  Also started into Season 4; the new OP song is=
 okay but not as good as "Sea of the Stars."

                                   Sir Violet, who's nursing a flu now ;-=

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