Mailing List Archive

Re: [LoGH] Katsucon

Walter Amos (
Sun, 4 Feb 2001 15:50:57 -0600 (EST)

On Sun, 4 Feb 2001 wrote:

> I'll be at the con (I'm staff working Green Room) and I'll be the person in 
> the Reich outfit that looks alot like Rein 

Hehehe... it sounds like the numbers of those of us sporting the height 
of Imperial fashion are growing... ^o^  

I hope we can manage to get as large a gathering of these costumes at
Anime Expo and Worldcon (especially since after my "Our planets do not
blow up" speech at Anime Weekend Atlanta several years ago in the
cosplay, Kevin Lillard of has needled me about recruiting
people for the Reich... it would be cute to get a picture showing how
well I've succeeded... ^_~).  I don't plan to wear my Admiral's outfit
at the WorldCon panel since I will be hosting it and that would look
kind of tacky, but maybe later during the con.

...Say...if enough people in Reich outfits plan to come to WorldCon,
 or Anime Expo, maybe we could work up some group skit...

"Zu jeder Zeit, an jeder (sic) Ort, bleibt das Tun    |       Walter Amos
  der Menschen das gleiche..." - Galactic Heroes II   |    amos(at)