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Re: [LoGH] Which Wagner music is used in LOGH?

Lee Thompson (
Mon, 05 Feb 2001 15:22:23 -0800

On Mon, 05 Feb 2001 22:13:19, you wrote:

>>Continuing our discussion of Buck Rogers Does Star Trek:
>>From: Michael Mikulis
>> >One problem is that it looks like they will NEVER actually get another
>>valuable High Guard ships ince that would after all disrupt the typical 
>> >Trek episode formula.
>>   Which formula is that?  The "only ship in the quadrant" one?  We never 
>>got a full accounting of High Guard vessels from the Federation.. er, 
>>Commonwealth so more could pop up. ;-)
>The formula idea is that nothing ever actually happens.  Or in other words, 
>everything is back to normal at the end of the episode.  That way viewers 
>can miss an episode and still know what is going on.

That's typical of any show in it's first season since characters are still being
introduced.    You introduce characters and places -- and then you drop a piano
on the viewer.

This is even true for major arc-series like Babylon 5 and even really LoGH up to
about episode 7.

Watch for the upcoming Andromeda episode "Harper 2.0" is all I'm gonna say.   I
believe you'll get to see it in about 2 weeks.

Lee Thompson