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Re: [LoGH] Which Wagner music is used in LOGH?

Michael Mikulis (
Mon, 05 Feb 2001 20:31:39

>From: Lee Thompson
> >NOTE: The upcoming (next week) Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda episode "The
> >Mathematics of Tears" features music from Wagner as well as background 
>   Just saw that, they played Wagner's "Flying Dutchman."  Very nice 
>episode though tragic ending (they lost another valuable High Guard ship!). 
>;-(  It's a well-written show even despite my still thinking Sorbo is the 
>same old leather-clad, preachy, holier-than-thou Herc & can't act his way 
>out of a wet paper bag. ^_^

One problem is that it looks like they will NEVER actually get another 
valuable High Guard ships ince that would after all disrupt the typical Star 
Trek episode formula.

All in all, the show has much more plot than Star Trek and has great 
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