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[LoGH] Announcements for Katsucon...

JC (
Mon, 12 Feb 2001 15:57:28 -0500 (EST)

Assuming that the panel's still on the schedule for this weekend at
Katsucon, what should be announce?

obviously the movie at worldcon can't be announced but can the panel be?

i plan on plugging the dvd petition as well, is there any way i can get an
updated number of signatures?  *coughleecough*

i also plan on announcing (with all intent of this being a true
statement) that the next fansub volume will be finished by the end of the
month.  the goal at otakon was to at least have translations for all of
season 2 by the end of the year, and that didn't happen so no long term
fansub announcements.

is there anything else big in the fandom worth announcing or anything on that's in the news section that's worth mentioning?

thanx a bunch,
