Mailing List Archive

Re: [LoGH] Sakura Con panel

Isaac Alexander (
Tue, 1 May 2001 16:43:57 -0700 (PDT)

>To Isaac, Dan, Lance, Tom, and the rest of the staff,
my compliments on a great convention and thanks for
your support. Next year, let's do that LoGH marathon! 

Thank you Hank, and thank you Lee for putting on the
excellent show. I wish I could have been in the panel
for the entire time. I really would LOVE to see an
LOGH marathon next year, but then I wouldn't get to
see anyone else at the con as my eyes would be tuned
to the screen the entire time. ;-)

Also, there might be some other exciting news
regarding LOGH coming down the pike soon. I'll let Dan
or Hank proceed with this news.


Isaac Alexander

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