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[LoGH] Legend of the Galactic Heroes on DVD in France

Lee Thompson (
Tue, 03 Jul 2001 09:34:10 -0700

Thanks to Alessio Sapora for the following information:

"My Conquest is the Sea of Stars" is being released in France on DVD (Reg=
ion 2,
PAL/SECAM).  It has French and Japanese audio with optional French subtit=

The disc is a DVD-9 and is in Dolby Digital 2.0.
List price is 169 frs (approximately 26 Euros).

"The galaxy is divided into two opposite factions: the Galactic Empire an=
d the
Alliance of Free Planets. The film follows the confrontations both extern=
al and
internal of the troops under the two top commanders in the two camps, Rei=
Von Musel for the Empire and Yang Wen-Li for the Alliance. This epic scie=
fiction story, worthy of the famous trilogy of the Star Wars, caused a
phenomenal success upon it's release in Japan. It launched a series of ov=
er 100
episodes. Extras: About the author and the series, Image Gallery, Sketch

French Title: Les H=E9ros de la Galaxie
Original Release Date: 1988
Story: Yoshiki Tanaka
Director: Noboru Ishiguro
Character Designer: Matsuri Okuda
Lee Thompson              =20