Mailing List Archive

Re: [LoGH] Philcon pix are up

Michael Mikulis (
Wed, 12 Sep 2001 19:13:02

>From: Walter Amos 
>I have posted scans of my photos and some framegrabs from the video
>shot by my colleague Dr. Gary Smith of the Galactic Heroes events at
>Philcon 2001 (the World Science Fiction Convention) on my signature
>page at
>Feel free to peruse, and if the administrators of the LoGH Info center
>want to capture some of this for a page on the con for the Info Center,
>that would be OK too.

I looked at your picture of Reinhard as an Imperial captain.  I might be 
wrong, but I think Imperial captains have three shoulder bars, not one (thus 
indictaing a leitenant commander).

Correct me if I'm wrong, but from watching the series, it looks like there 
are three possibile chest script styles indictaing either junior officer, 
senior officer, or admiral (no chest script).  And the bars on the shoulders 
indictae grades within those groups.
Ensign, Lieutenant JG, and Lieutenant SG for the first group, Lieutenant 
commander, Commander, and Captain for the second group; and Rear, vice, and 
fleet admiral (or high admiral) for the thirs group.  And commodores are the 
last group, but with zero shoulder bars.

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