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Re: [LoGH] Number of ships in LoGH

Justin Ho (
Thu, 30 Nov 2000 09:54:17 +0800

Rear Admiral Eihendorf's fleet had the following breakdown which I think 
might be considered "standard" for Imperials:

200-250 battleships (11.17-15.34%)
400-500 cruisers (22.35-30.67%)
1000 destroyers (55.87-61.35%)
30-40 carriers (1.68-2.45%)

The carrier dimensions for both sides are battleship scale or larger and the 
Imperial carrier comes with a large capital ship armament (especially it 
looks like a superheavy battleship with a hanger module slapped on top).

The number of fast battleships is not stated and so their numbers are lumped 
in with the normal BB's.  Their numbers probably aren't very high though, 
with the exception of Bittenfeld's fleet which uses them as their main 
strength. I'm personally guessing around 1/3 of the total BB count is fast 

The extremely low percentage of carriers in this Imperial fleet seems to 
reinforce the idea that the Imperials are not big proponents of carrier 
warfare and are of the "big guns" mentality.  (As the Thor Hammer, the 
superheavy BB's of the nobles, and the Ahsgrimm demonstrate).  Although 
their standard battleships are listed as carrying 12 Valkyries each, their 
use in battle appears more of an adjunct than as a striking arm of its own, 
sort of like the British Navy's view towards airpower earlier this century.
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