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Re: [LoGH] Alternate scenario, spoiler season 1

Michael Mikulis (
Sat, 02 Dec 2000 17:49:17

>From: "Theo Ching"
>Reply-To: logh@soda.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
>Subject: Re: [LoGH] Alternate scenario
>Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2000 23:10:07 -0800
>Spoiler ep. 26..
>-----Original Message-----
>To: logh@soda.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
>Date: Thursday, November 30, 2000 5:08 PM
>Subject: [LoGH] Alternate scenario
> >Let say that Lohengramm dies from assassination instead of Kircheis. What
> >would happen?
> >
> Offhand I'd say that without Reinhart's drive & leadership, the staff of
>his "Fleet in the Skirts" (or the Bratpack if you want to be esp. irreverent
>^_^) would make a half-hearted attempt to reform the Empire but not succeed
>in the cutthroat power struggles to come; or worse yet, they might split
>into a power struggle of their own with nice guys like Kircheis &
>Mittermeyer fighting Oberstein.

> Theo


If Rheinhart had died.  Kircheis would have taken over the combined military.  He would have probably ended up doing the same reforms.  The question is whether Kircheis would have been up to the task of leading the Empire.   It's quite possibile that Hilda would have been left with the reins of political power while Kircheis runs the military.  Oberstein might have actually been executed for allowing Westerland to be wiped out. 

Incidentally, there could have never been a struggle for power with Oberstein.  As the admirals pointed out, they have the real combat forces and could easily eliminate Oberstein if he becomes a problem.  Oberstein's approach to taking over seems to be making other people run things the way he runs them to be run, but not actually being in power himself. 


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