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Re: [LoGH] Life expectancy, take 2

Justin Ho (
Fri, 15 Dec 2000 07:36:03 +0800

  There is a scene of surgical orbital bombardment in the series so it is 
quite possible for regular fleets to do it.  However, if one is either 
trying to wage a war of conquest or suppress a rebellion (which appears to 
be a primary task of the Imperial Fleet), reducing all population centers to 
craters is not going to be productive.  It would be seen as an atrocity and 
even if that were not the case, you would still have ended up destroying 
resources you could have ended up using.  Westerland is a case in point of 
the bad effects of indiscriminate bombardment.  Even the one noted 
"surgical" bombardment ended up blasting quite a big crater.

   The sparing usage of aerospace strafing and ground attack missions might 
be again due to the above factors (and the fact that Spartanians like FPA 
capital ships don't appear equipped for atmospheric operations).  If the 
enemy is a partisan or guerilla group, you have a Vietnam situation.  You'll 
have difficulty picking out enemy from civilian and the enemy can simply lie 
low til the fighters are gone and reemergy.  Thus the need for the ground 
troops to take and hold ground.

   From a planetary perspective, it appears that only a few systems are ever 
on the frontlines (and those seem to be military outposts).  Except for key 
systems like Heinessen, the majority of inhabited systems don't have ground 
to orbit weapons.  Why should they if by having them they risk provoking an 
orbital bombardment?  Seems like the safer bet would be to surrender to the 
enemy and hope for liberation or conduct partisan fighting against 
occupation forces.  If the enemy never appears, then there is no need to 
spend however many billions of dinars or marks it costs to make ground to 
orbit weapons.   The respective ruling classes of both sides don't seem like 
the type to invest in such things especially when they can embezzle the 
funds instead.

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