Tue, 02 Jul 1996 09:57:19 +0000

Hello Everybody,

It's nice to hear the healthy, vivid discussions among the inhabitants
of the mailing list.

I think I have to say more about the controversial man of the Reich -
Paul von Oberstein. He is certainly a success. He is probably the
first perfect Machiavellian, perhaps even better than Machiavelli
himself. This makes him a good advisor; yet for the same reason his
advises seem to come from the Devil: so damned but so good at the
same time. If Reinhard had followed his advise completely, he would
still have succeeded in unifying the whole universe under the
Lohengramm dynasty. The price is also affordable as far as Reinhard is
concerned: the renunciation of love, which is represented by Annerose,
Siegfried Kircheis and Hildegard. It may happen that an even more
tyrannical regime than Rudolf I Goldenbaum's will be established,
according to Hildegard. We may have even Mittermeyer the Beiowolf
rebelling but being brutally suppressed. Perhaps we have to thank
Reinhard himself: he needs not follow Oberstein's advise, or according
to Reuenthal, to become Oberstein's puppet, because Reinhard is a
genius, not an ordinary person.
