Re: [LoGH] Forwarded Message

Erik Schultz (
Tue, 30 Jul 1996 07:58:21 -0400 (EDT)

I chose not to respond to this in TAFMAL, but now that it's here...

> LOGH is relatively good, but suffers from "Gainax disease" in that the
> first couple of episodes of the series are somewhat boring. It is even
> worse than EVA or Nadia in this respect, as the story doesn't really start
> until episode 9 or 10. Just huge space battles set to Wagner, where each

I actually found the first two episodes to be fascinating, as did
several friends in my circle. 3 and 4 were sleepers, but things pick up
again afterwards.
And hey, I like Nadia too...but I've seen less of it than of LoGH...