Re: [LoGH] Forwarded Message

Walter Amos (
Wed, 31 Jul 1996 02:15:41 -0500 (CDT)

>> LOGH is relatively good, but suffers from "Gainax disease" in that the
>> first couple of episodes of the series are somewhat boring. It is even
>> worse than EVA or Nadia in this respect, as the story doesn't really start
>> until episode 9 or 10. Just huge space battles set to Wagner, where each
>> But, its a nice soap opera, and you can have a lot of fun if you imagine
>> that two of the characters (on the imperial side) are lovers. (heh heh)
>> Brian
> What is this, at the begining it almost sounds like LoGH is some silly
> EXTREME alternakid show. Then later on in the letter he shows how
> intellectually devoid he is and that he has the attention span of a fly. I
> think this guy should stop trying to cticize something that he can't possibly
> comprehend and should get back to playing his jocko football!!
> -Rol Kran

Now now, calm down there.

While I of course diagree on some of the specific assessments this person has
on LoGH, let us not forget the central fact: he likes it overall and gives it
a positive review. I'll take a statement like this any day of the week over
the more commonplace "Ah this show is just boring Germans in space".

I would have to agree to a certain extent that the show does start slow. I
however have never found this a fault, but some people don't like it. For
people who aren't as thrilled about LoGH's space battles, it is hard to
introduce them to the first movie and then say "OK here's the series, and the
first 2 episodes are ANOTHER big space battle". Now I personally LOVE the
battles but again, they may not immediately be to the taste of people used to
the anime standard of giant robots whacking on each other in dramatic single
combat to pop rock music.

For me the real story of LoGH starts at episode 3 (not episode "9 or 10") when
we start to get the more personal background stories and a look into the
political situation on both sides. I'd certainly say the story is moving
right along by episode 6-7 when Yang takes Iserlohn.

As to the "lovers" question, well... this person is not the first to suggest
that idea. I personally disagree with it, and I have been told that the
author never intended it, but have you ever seen any of the Japanese LoGH
dojinshi? 90% of them are Reinhard/Kircheis love stories. And it is not only
weirdos who might think this either; when I showed the LoGH first movie to a
friend, a physics postdoc and his wife (who are anime fans), they both liked
it a lot but both felt sure Reinhard and Kircheis were lovers.

Well I suppose there's not much point to my discussion here except to point
out that IMHO we should be more pleased than annoyed that we seem here at
least to have one more person who seems to like LoGH for whatever reasons and
is giving it a positive recommendation to others. We cannot have enough of
that. And I hope maybe I've generated a little more fodder for discussion
here on the ML... ^_^

"Zu jeder Zeit, an jeder (sic) Ort, bleibt das Tun | Walter Amos
der Menschen das gleiche..." - Galactic Heroes II |