Reinhard and Kircheis: Shonen Ai?

Walter Amos (
Wed, 31 Jul 1996 15:24:53 -0500 (CDT)

> In a message dated 96-07-31 03:27:27 EDT, you write:
> << they both liked
> it a lot but both felt sure Reinhard and Kircheis were lovers. >>
> I personally never really thought about this, but now that I do it's
> safe to say that I can see why people might make this assumption, although
> there was no real evidence. I always just thought that the Empire didn't
> think women to be on the same level as themselves I felt that it was almost
> like the middle ages in that respect. I believe the reason why Reinhardt and
> Kircheis were never involved in any relationships with women is that they
> simply had no time. It was quite obvious that Reinhardt had his mind set on
> one thing and one thing only, and that was "winning the universe." he might
> have just not wanted to be distracted by anything. This is just a
> hypothetical question......... Do you think that Kircheis was in any way
> interested in Annerose? I do.
> - Rol Kran

Well considering the overall lack of female characters in the LoGH universe as
a whole, it is a little hard to determine exactly how each culture relates to
them. In the Alliance we at least see that there are female military officers
(Frederica Greenhill, but her dad is also one of the top Alliance officers so
she may be more the exception than the rule...) and political leaders (Jessica
Edwards got elected to office, and there was that other warmongering bitch on
the High Council for a few episodes...) In the Empire I don't recall seeing
any females in the military save for Hildegard von Mariendorf, and she only
after Reinhard takes over.

Do I think Kircheis was interested in Annerose? That's like asking "Is it
warm in Texas in July?" Of COURSE he wanted God, you can
practically HEAR the poor boy's hormones turn on the first time he meets her!
^_^ The real question is, with Reinhard around would he ever really be able
to court her in any real fashion, or would he be doomed to forever love her
from afar? This is I think a very interesting speculation in the "what if
Kircheis lived scenario?" What do you think? Would Sieg and Annerose ever
have gotten together if he'd lived?

"Zu jeder Zeit, an jeder (sic) Ort, bleibt das Tun | Walter Amos
der Menschen das gleiche..." - Galactic Heroes II |