LOGH, The Hollywood Way

Wed, 31 Jul 96 17:20:37 CDT


Subj: LOGH, The Hollywood Way

Naturally, the "good guy" doesn't die, so with Reinhard gone, Kircheis
is set up as his successor. Being the good guy, also means he "gets the
girl in the end." So Annerose and Kircheis get to rule the galaxy together.

Yang lives, of course, already has his girl, and joins with the Empire to
kick some Phezzan ass. That done, it's time for a well deserved retirement.

Shenkoop and his merry band of Rosenritters crash land their damaged ship
on an alien world with all kinds of alien critters to hack and slash for
two or three sequels.

Grand Bishop - victim of self immolation
Ivan Konev - finishes last crossword puzzle in the galaxy. Learns macrame.
Rubinski - Puts on a wig and with his new identity actually becomes chief
magistrate of Phezza.
Julian - goes on to star in several post-war movies a-la Audie Murphy.
Marries a series of starlets and rekindles his career in a movie
about how he overcame his substance abuse problems due to his fame.

Jessica - Wasn't killed in a riot in a stadium, but her political naivite
resulted in her conviction on campaign fraud charges. Dies in
prison riot instead. (politicians don't fare well in Hollywood,
like "JFK" and "Nixon")

Admirals Sitolet and Greenhill run for office in the wake of the "Ewards"
scandal and become leading reformers in the cabinet following
Job Trunhit's death from a "cold."

That's all I have time for. Back to work.

Scott Swoboda