Re: New to the group.

Craig T. Miyahira (
Tue, 24 Sep 1996 13:49:30 +0000

> From: "Jonathan P. Kinlaw" <>

> I saw Legend of the Galatic Hero for the first time some time ago, and
> since then I have been wanting to watch it again. I can't seem to find it
> for sale anywhere, so I summise it is not in print in the USA. I was
> wondering if anyone knew where I could get ahold of the movies. I would
> really like to know more about the story, and enjoy one of the greatest
> animations ever made.

I've also wondered where I could find the series. The first time I
saw it was when a friend of mine borrowed it from his Berkeley
CalAnimage club. Unfortunately, they only had part of the first
season (to my utter dismay). As far as I know, you cannot really
obtain it here save on laserdisc, and then it's probably expensive
due to import costs (not to mention subtitling costs). Where to get
those, I have no idea.
However, there is this wonderful site on the WWW that has all the
info about the Legends of the Galactic Heroes storyline. They have
synopsises of all the first season episodes and the page maker put up
his interpretation of the second season (which wasn't subtitled, so
he basically described the action as he saw it without really never
understanding it). If you're interested here's the web site:
Check it out, it has a lot of info.
Craig T. Miyahira
Computer Information Systems Major
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona