Re: Yang/Bonaparte

Itsuki (
Thu, 3 Oct 1996 21:20:35 -0700 (PDT)

No, I think it's a mix of the various wars.. And I think it's
unfair to disregard WWII.... I'm saying this not from experience but
because my older brother has watched a lot of WWII documentaries called
Battlefield. He says that there are a lot of battles jsut like LGH except
that it happened with infantry instead of ships... For example, there was
an incident in which they were eating at each other's tails like snakes..
The taking of some impenetrable force was done by a small band of people
very much like the Rosenritters. Maybe this is only from the beginning of
LGH, but some of the battles are too similar to abandon. Best to say that
Tanaka-sensei drew from a lot of different wars and kept all of them in
mind. As for the characters, I also think they're composite characters,
taking some traits from different men of history.
