Re: more nonsense about ranks

Deborah Brown (
Sat, 19 Oct 1996 09:55:11 -0400

<Rank Info Snipped>

>Japanese Translation # stars Insignia in series
>(kanji translation) (Imperial)
>"marshal" Grand Admiral 5 ?????
>"upper general" Admiral 4 ?????
>"middle general" Vice Admiral 3 3 stripes?
>"junior general" Rear Admiral 2 2 stripes on shoulder
>"provisional general" Commodore 1 1 stripe on shoulder
>If the above pattern holds we should see that Admirals have 4 shoulder
>strripes and Grand Admirals 5 stripes, but I don't think we see any admirals
>with 4 or 5 stripes, even though they are referred to as Admirals, as
>Mittermeyer and Reuenthal for example are in series 1. Also I seem to
>remember Kircheis being promoted to Admiral, but still wearing 3 stripes.

I *think* the design on the front of the neckpiece is *also* involved here.
It seems to get more complicated as you get further up in the ranks. And, of
course, once Reinhard became high enough he got a cloak, too. Makes you
wonder what the Emperor's dress uniform would have looked like.

Not sure *why* Kircheis didn't have a more obvious change to his rank marks.
Maybe he was too humble?

Legion - So, what do I know anyway?