isaac (isaac1@ix.netcom.com)
Mon, 04 Nov 1996 01:09:36 -0600


	I was somehow subscribed to this mailing list as part of a mail bomb about
6 MONTHS ago. I unscribed myself of 'everything' (or so I thought) and then
things about 'logh' start showing up in my mail.
	So far I have just been to lazy to unsubcribe myself from it and also to
lazy to be a part of it so I would just delete them all as they came. Today
I happen to finally see how to unsubcribe...but then I started thinking;
I've been on this mailling listen for 6/7 months and now and I'm going to
just unsubcribe. I dont know why, but I just feel like I'd be missing a part
of my regular day of reading my email and deleting all the logh crap and
occasionally reading something not understand what any of this is about or
what logh is. (I really am clueless) 
	So, tonight, I decided to just write this in and brighten up everyones
little meaningless lifes. Hope you all appritiate it. Hehe, just kidding,
I'm sure you all happy people with meaningful lifes or something to that
affect. Or just whatever...
-Isaac ( http://yellow.home.ml.org )