Re: Box 4 !!!(tiny non-essential to the story spoiler)
Fri, 21 Mar 1997 04:09:51 -0500 (EST)


     Well, I'm in the midst of my first(and somewhat rushed) run through of
the 4th series, and decided to take an e-mail break .
      The only thing I really don't like is the opening song.  I think it has
to be a different singer  from that of the first 3 openings which I do like.
 The problem I have isn't with the words,  pronunciation or melody.  In fact,
I haven't listened to it through more than twice because it seems to me that
the vocal simply isn't on key - frankly some parts made me cringe, they
seemed so off .
      Anyone else who has heard it - is it just my imagination or is it as
off as my ears are telling me ?  I sing myself by the way, in choir and solo,
and play a couple instruments, so I don't think it's my imagination.
 However, it has no impact on how much I love the show because I can just hit
the skip button on my LD remote.
     There are so many neat little "moments" --the kind of things I hit the
rewind button, and have to watch over 2 or 3 times before I can continue,
they're so cool ! There's one at the end of 106(I think I've got the right
number) that made me laugh so much, I had to take this break.
< very small spoiler>
Eisenach speaks !(one word) It's not what he says that's funny, it's the
reactions of the other admirals that gave me a fit  - especially because at
one point I was ready to write and ask if he could talk before I got the
answer in the synopses.

Anyway, got to get to bed so I can make an attempt at being productive at
work later today.

