RE: Fanfic (long, humor, not dirty)

Califf, Jennifer (
Fri, 4 Apr 1997 09:01:42 -0600

Oberstein is Oberstein.  No one else could play his part.  I have other
plans for Slappy.  She's more of a cameo walk-on kind of character
Right now, I already have plans for Slappy, Skippy, Plotz,
Scratchnsniff, Yakko, Wakko, Dot, Chicken Boo and Minerva Mink.
Goodfeathers will probably make a cameo appearence, as will Hello Nurse,
Mindy and Buttons, and Rita and Runt.  I considered using Rita and Runt
in place of M/R, but I liked it better this way. Characters playing
themselves will include Oberstein, Schenkopp, Job Truniht, and others
whose names escape me right now.

You can reprint it if you want.  I might put it on my web page when I
get it running - probably by Sunday.

>From: 	Deborah Brown[]
>Sent: 	Thursday, April 03, 1997 10:18 PM
>To: 	logh@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
>Subject: 	Re: Fanfic (long, humor, not dirty)
>Sick. Very Sick. I like it.
>May I reprint it in our fanclub's newsletter?
>Legion - Stinky and the Pain. They're stinky and the pain...
>(Who's Oberstein? Slappy Squirrel?)
>*Friends help you move...                   *
>*                                           *
>*   Real friends help you move bodies.      *