RE: Fanfic (long, humor, not dirty)

Califf, Jennifer (
Fri, 4 Apr 1997 10:24:23 -0600

You can print mine if you want.


>Sent: 	Friday, April 04, 1997 7:58 AM
>To: 	logh@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
>Subject: 	Re: Fanfic (long, humor, not dirty)
>All -
>Anybody want to contribute parody fanfics to the next edition of our
>Anime Filk/Parody Fanzine??  :>  waku-waku  Please say yes!!  (That,
>plus we need fan-art.  Hell, we could make the 97 edition mostly about
>GHL, if you want.)
>- Sue