Re: Empire couldn't have lost the war with or whithout

Josh Yuan (
Mon, 07 Jul 1997 01:33:22 -0400

Ok maybe the Empire could not lose the war even if they didn't have
Reinhard.  But will they win??

At 11:55 PM 7/6/97 -0700, Kong Wong wrote:
>I don't know, but it is highly possible that they would never lose that
>war.  Why?  Because the Empire had enough advantage to hold off the
>Alliance of Free planets. 
>It had a larger population, almost twice the size of the Alliance.  
>It can concentrate their effort better than the Alliance because its
>absolute rule. 

It is not an absolute rule, the power of the Emperor had be weaken by
theHigh-Nobles.  Since from the civil war we could see that many nobles had
their own armies.  Thus the personal interest of the Nobles will counter
act the need for the concentrate resources.
>It was larger than AFP and a huge country like that is impossible to
>conquer like the Russia of another time. 

Russian of another time.  Well Napoleon and Hitler tried and failed.  But
it was not because Russia is huge.  Had either been able to understand
their limitations they could have take small bits out of Russia until the
most important areas are taken.
>Its armed force were more loyal and more eager to go offensive for
>glory, or willing to die for it.  We hadn't seen any Empire defector in
>the story.

Glory, well it is good and bad.  Good in that there will be higher moral in
the troops.  Bad in that with Glory people also see lost as dishonor, they
either kill themselves or like the Admrial in the Episode where Yang too
Iserelon (Sorry forgot the name), send his entire fleet to charge at the
forturess and got his fleet complete destoried.  Also there are lots of
defectors.  For example, the Rosenbitters under Yang's command are formed
from descendants of defectors from the Empire.

>With the above advantage the Empire got an upper hand on the Alliance
>all the time.  It only amused me that they never concentrated their
>effort and send a huge fleet to get the AFP before Reinhard did.

IMOH, I would say the AFP would have been able to hold the Empire off.