Re: Armies a,d navies and Dune, not again! :)

Chi Ming Hung (
Thu, 10 Jul 1997 13:06:07 -0400

On Jul 10, 12:11pm, wrote:
> Subject: Re: Armies a,d navies and Dune, not again! :)
> Well, as far as I can tell, there's no way for me to reconfigure Delphi's
> backwards editor to my own liking, so I'll just have to type
> REAL fcarefully (unlike there) and avoid backspace...!

Umm you can't avoid them all Sue =P

> Well, it is true that the Imperial forces use their ships to land and
> put down rebellions on planets; we get a real
> impressive sequence of that in series 3 when they
> go to Earth.  HOWEVER, the
> Alliance also needs "army-like" forces; remember during the
> coup d'etat in series 1, when Yang had to put down
> rebellions on four planets before heading to the capitol?  That was
> when he really put the Rosenritters through their paces.  The Alliance,
> too, needs to be able to wage land battles, and not simply nuke the hell
> out of their own citizens, you see.

You know I hate lengthy in-depth arguments ... OK you win ^_^

> I would have liked to see some mass drivers in sue for
> pl(sue? I meant use!) planetary bombardment, however.

Gee what are you trying to say?  Sue Sue for being Sue? =)

> BLAM!  Think Gundam.  Bye-bye, Australia!

Now you know why I don't watch Gundam (except GundamW =).

> Re: "Run away" versus "retreat" - Maybe there's no distinction in the
> terms in Chinese, but there very definitely is one in the original
> Japanese version.  Japanese has MANY words that mean retreat, and Tanak
> uses none of them in certain situaions.  He uses "Nigeru" (nigete),
> which means "flee," "run waway," etc.  Tsk!!  Actually, any modern-day
> commander who used such a term would probably get court-martialled
> or something for dereliction of duty.  Maybe the politically correct
> term would be "advance, backwards?" :D

Here you have to understand the way Yang talks =)  He's a straight-forward
guy who dislikes formality, so he'll use any word that brings the meaning
across most easily.  If "Flee" is more direct than "Retreat", he'll use
that, but his subordiantes are supposed to translate that into "retreat"
by themselves =)  Why do you think he always sit on top of a desk with his
legs crossed instead of sitting on the captains chair huh?  He's just that
kind of informal guy ^_^  And BTW, using this criterion, "advance, backwards"
won't do, because it's even more wordy and indirect than "retreat", so Yang
won't use it, see? =P

> Re: the changed ending of GHL - YES IT'S A SERIES 4 SPOILER, DEAL
> WITH IT <snip snip snip>

There, I dealt with it =)

> And the final word on the Dune fiasco...
> 1. It's not a "TV version," it's called a director's cut.  THey
> happened to show that version in TV once, that's all.  I'm sure
> it's available on tape or LD (Criterion version?).

No no no, if it's a director's cut, the director's real name should be
there, but it's not.  And no, it's not available on LD except for the
Japanese subtitled version.  And I think you have to buy the 2 LD set
together with the regular edition LD.   And I didn't invent the "TV"
in "TV version", that's how it's called everywhere, check the Dune
FAQ if you're in doubt.

> 2. The director's cut was NOT unauthorized.  "Allen Smithee" was a
> pseudonym.  Do some research.

You have to spoil the fun don't you? =)  In case you haven't heard, there's
a real film called An Alan Smithee Film, directed by Alan Smithee =)

> 3.  The Hollywood ending was totally eunnecessary.  Talk about pandering
> to America's delicate sensibilities!  The original ending and point
> (there are no messiahs) was good enough to keep the book in print all
> these years; it wshould have been good enough for theaters.

Now you missed the point, I'm NOT America =)  though I think I have ample
delicate sensibilities =)  The difference between a book and a movie is
that you read the book for days, knowing every detail and sensing every
mood the author wanted to convey, which is hardly possible in a movie.
So in a movie, you just have to use an ending that works after a 2hr story
buildup, and the messianic ending is the natural choice.

> 4. They DID screw up Baron Harkonnen's character incredibly.  "Floating
> fat man," indeed!  He was much more sinister in the book.  O f course,
> they screwed up other characters, as well, but none quite so blatantly.
> (Like, Kyle McLaughlin - sp? - trying to play a teenager!  HEH!)  By
> comparison, I think most of GHL's characters were kept true to the books.

As I said, bad guys don't matter =)  As for Kyle MacLachlan, don't you
know that he's Lynch's alter ego? =)  So wherever there's Lynch, there's
bound to be MacLachlan somewhere, be it a teenager, or a weird detective,
or a guy involved with a weird woman =)

> OK!  Who's up for the Dune versus GHL thesis competition?  :D  (If I
> were STILL a starving grad student, it might be tempting, but back then,
> GHL wsas still being written...)  *sigh*  Be sure and throw in a few
> references to "family atomics."  ;>

Better not, if the spam keeps on, I'm afraid people will start
unsubscribing, and the list owner will get angry, and Sue will take
the blame for starting it... hey maybe not so bad =)


 __  __ _                                 +-------------------------------+ 
|  \/  (_)_ _  __ _        >\\\|/<        | "If you wish to live wisely,  |
| |\/| | | ' \/ _` |       |_"""_|        |  ignore sayings... including  |
|_|  |_|_|_||_\__, |       (O) (o)        |  this one."  - A wise saying  |
|, |
| Chi Ming HUNG,Dept.of Physics,SUNYSB,Stony Brook,NY11794. (516)689-5868 |