Re: Warning Jennifer Califf

Monica/Akira-chan (
Sat, 12 Jul 1997 02:06:14 -0400

At 10:42 PM 7/11/97 -0700, you wrote:
>Becareful Jen, cause I got your e-mail address and a e-mail bombing
>program.  I don't want you to become the first person to get 1,000,000
>junk e-mail.  Stop those non-sense story.  They are not even funny. 
>They are scary!  Stop!

/me hopes, of course, that above comment was a joke... after all, silly and
scary they may be, but... ^^;;

Hey, who knows? Maybe someone will write a fanfic... of course, Yang
wouldn't be pulled into the FY Universe cause he's not a virgin girl... ^^;;

Monica- who is contemplating on how to save K-sama, but then doesn't want to
deal with the ramifications on the hugh world-construct of GHL... 
Monica/Akira-chan/Heero/Hayama/Naga/Kircheis no Miko- Proud TABBE! Member - -fics, pics, tapes!
Loves- CLAMP, LoGH, MB, RKen, Z/B, Gundam, EVA, KoDoCha, RoV, Subby, Sieg
"Tell Annerose-sama that Sieg kept his promise..." - Kircheis-sama
"Watashi no Andre?" Oscar Francois de Jarjeyes