RE: [Noise] About Reideen...

Ondine (
Wed, 16 Jul 1997 06:39:51 -0700 (PDT)

---"Califf, Jennifer"  wrote:
> >>REAALLLY ? Is Reideen  a TV anime or OVA ? What is it about ? I
> >>to know about it. Please enlighten me !
> >>
> >>Ondine
> >
> >Reideen the Superior is a TV show still running in Japan- it's
> >about... well, sorta sentai warriors, I guess. I can't really
> >don't really wanna explain... ^^;; Jennifer? Do you want to?
> >
> >Monica
> Okay, I'll do what I can.
> Reideen at its heart is a sentai show about five cute guys who call
> the powers of God-Reideen and turn into armored bird-like warriors. 
> fact, they have a second stage transformation "God Bird Change" where
> they turn into mechanical brids.  It's an update of an old show that
> on years ago.  A lot of people don't like Reideen because it seems
> a formula sentai show trying to capitalize on the Gundam Wing - five
> cute guys - phenominon.  However, the show , to me at least, has a
> quirky sense of humor.  Our main hero, Hishou,  is terminally
> at first because his girlfriend took a dive off the top of the school
> and ends up in the hospital in the first episode.  Just watching the
> first episode, the show seems to drag a little.  Then in the second
> episode they start to introduce the other characters (1st five eps =
> each of the five guys).  One of the guys, Ace is the token blonde
> Amercian former gang member whose shirt is always unbuttoned.  I can
> never remember the names of most of the characters when I'm not
> it, so forgive me.  Anyway, most people can't see the heros or the
> monsters they're fighting(why I still don't know), but a few people
>  One is  this woman (name?) who showed up in episode two with Ace and
> who decided to take these five guys and turn them into an idol group
> called the Angels.  A lot of the early stories had to do with them
> to find ways to break into showbiz.  Another who can see them is a
> named Kirari (?) who is a popular idol star.  Coincidentally?, she
> exactly like Hishou's girlfriend! 
> The most unique thing about Reideen though is what we touched on
> earlier.  See, when the guys go through their transformations
> they rip their clothes off.  Okay, they end up with battle armor. 
> when the fighting is over and they change back, the clothes don't
> magically reappear!  Instead, we have five cute naked guys!  Usually,
> their manager shows up with clothes for them.  It can be a really
> show at times.
> Incidentally, the main plot has something to do with an ancient alien
> who was sealed by Reideen way back when has returned to
> the earth, and so he's collecting these crystals that are hidden all
> over Japan.  He send his youma out to get the crystals, never sets
> in battle, and even though the youma are always destroyed by
Reideen, he
> always (at least for the 1st however many episodes) gets the
> I am very behind in watching the show and haven't seen most of the
> recent stuff, so I don't know how that part of the story turns out
> I do know that later on there is another idol group called the Hearts
> who also transform, but I haven't watched enough recently to comment.
> It's a cute show, and the most recent episode I've watched seems much
> more serious than most of the early stuff.  I'm going to go back and
> watch the rest of the episodes this weekend.
> Hope this helps,
> Jennifer
> >

Thanks Jen for all the info ! It sounds interesting ....

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